Eligibility Requirements to Receive a Club Plant (approved 3/9/24)
To be eligible to receive a club plant for the current year, a member must have fulfilled the following THREE requirements:
1) paid membership dues for both the current and previous years (paid by April 1 of each year). (For example, to receive a club plant in 2025, dues must be paid by April 1 in 2024 and 2025).
2) attended two club meetings during the previous calendar year (January 1 - December 31) either in-person or via Zoom. These could include any of the monthly meetings, the spring club plant distribution and auctions, the fall sale and auctions, the garden tour, and the banquet.
3) contributed to the club’s activities during the previous calendar year (January 1 - December 31) EITHER by undertaking ONE of the following:
(a) served as a CVIDS Officer/Board member
(b) fulfilled the responsibility of chairing or co-chairing a committee
OR by undertaking any TWO of the following:
(a) donated plants to a club sale
(b) assisted at the CVIDS plant sales or auctions
(c) presented a club program
(d) hosted a CVIDS garden tour
(e) written an article for the Newsletter
(f) performed any other activity that contributes to the success of the club. Activity to be approved by the Board.